Food For Thought

Welcome new Board members

October 30, 2024
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Primary Item (H2)

The Board of Directors has appointed Lee Halpern and Sheena Tesch to the Board.

Lee will serve a three-year term which expires with the 2027 elections.

Sheena will serve the remainder of a vacant term which expires with the 2026 elections.

A quick introduction:

Lee Halpern

A regular Co-op shopper since locating to Brattleboro from Philadelphia five years ago, Lee is deeply invested both personally and professionally in creating a sustainable local food economy. Lee recognizes that conveying the value of investing in regionally and responsibly sourced food to consumers, amidst a growing industrialized food system, presents both a challenge and opportunity for the Co-op. Lee’s personnel and operational leadership experience with Food Connects, where he serves as Deputy Director, as well as his perspective as a multiracial member of the queer community, will be valuable assets to the BFC. 

sheena jug squash

Sheena joins the Board with a deep-rooted commitment to food advocacy, shaped by their experiences farming all over the country, living on a cooperative farm, and serving on the leadership team at a food- and land-based nonprofit in Madison WI. As the current operations manager of the Putney Foodshelf, Sheena is passionate about balancing fair compensation for farmers with ensuring affordable access to fresh food, and recognizes the challenge of managing rising food costs in a time of food insecurity.

Welcome, Lee and Sheena!

Questions can be addressed to the Board via [email protected]
