We have a few weeks of summer left, but fall is fast approaching. Kids and teachers are back to school and many trees are starting to give us their first hint of color. Soon we will celebrate Labor Day. It can be easy to forget that Labor Day is much more than an extra day off in the fall. Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions of workers everywhere, and was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century. The Brattleboro Food Co-op is proud to be closed on Labor Day as we celebrate and recognize the contribution of our staff and our partnership with the UFCW Local 1459 who represent them. I want to thank our staff and Union for their efforts in bringing the vision of the Co-op to life. I hope you all have an enjoyable and relaxing day.
While fall is my favorite time of year, I am especially excited for this year as it will mark my first annual shareholder meeting. The needs of our community and shareholders are always evolving, and our fall meeting is a time to make sure we are ready to serve those needs. This is an important opportunity for all shareholders to engage the Co-op and help us in achieving our Ends. We currently have five openings on our Board of Directors that we will fill this fall. If you are passionate about cooperatives, are interested in contributing to our success, and would like to learn more, please visit our website at brattleborofoodcoop.coop or stop by the Customer Service desk during your next visit. I encourage all shareholders to save the date – November 9, 2022 – and join us for a discussion of our Ends that will help us plan for the future.
In other news, we are seeing a continuation of some trends from earlier in the summer. Sales remain steady, and our expenses are on track. Most importantly, after a big push over the summer (as detailed in July’s FFT) we are adequately staffed. This means that you will continue to see progress on a number of maintenance and clean-up initiatives, will have less wait time at the deli counter, and the salad bar is open and will remain open moving forward. Holiday planning is underway, and after a vacation-filled August, we are ready for the busy season ahead. Thank you for your continued support of the Brattleboro Food Co-op!
In closing this month I would like to share (the English translation of) a haiku about fall from one of my favorite poets.
“Autumn moonlight
A worm digs silently
Into the chestnut.”
-Matsuo Basho, 1644-1694
Best regards,
Lee Bradford
By Lee Bradford, General Manager