Nick Dickison was appointed to the BFC Board

September 14, 2021
Marketing & Community Relations
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Primary Item (H2)

Nick Dickison was appointed to the Brattleboro Food Co-op Board on 9/13/21 to fill the remainder of Mark Adams’ term. This is their candidate statement.

Nick Dickison
Nick Dickison appointed to Brattleboro Food Co-op Board of Directors

1. Why would you like to serve on the Board of Directors of the Brattleboro Food Co-op

In the almost four years that I have lived in Brattleboro I have been a shareholder of the co-
op. I knew it was a great place to shop for foods that I couldn’t find anywhere else in town.
Over the past two years I have been able to see even more of the good work the co-op does
for the community. And I see opportunities for improvement to make this co-op even better
than it already is.

2. What experience or involvement have you had with the BFC or other cooperative

My experience with the BFC has been as a regular shopper and also as a full-time employee
in the deli kitchen. I have been able to closely observe much of the inner workings of the co-
op due to the friendships I have made with other staff and managers throughout the store.
This became particularly true at the beginning of the pandemic as the deli closed down and I,
as well as many others in the department, were reassigned to assist other parts of the store.

3. What opportunities or challenges do you see in the future for the BFC?

I see one major opportunity for the co-op to better serve a much broader spectrum of
members of the Brattleboro community. And one major challenge is how to make the BFC
more accessible and equitable to the more underserved population of the town and
surrounding areas.

4. What qualities, skills, and experiences would you bring to your service as a BFC board

What I bring to the BFC board is the perspective gained from a total of 25 years of
experience in food service which includes 16 years in management, five years as a small
business owner, and two years as a restaurant consultant. I also bring knowledge of how the
co-op operates behind the scenes in parts of the store that few shareholders and board
members ever see. And I bring a strong sense of compassion for the people of the
Brattleboro community that drives me to want the co-op to be the best it can be at offering
equitable opportunities to all of its shareholders as well as non-shareholder customers and
