Category: News & Events

It’s hard to believe it’s been two and a half months since Sabine announced her intention to step down as of December 31st.  The General Manager Search Committee (comprised of […]
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Nick Dickison was appointed to the Brattleboro Food Co-op Board on 9/13/21 to fill the remainder of Mark Adams’ term. This is their candidate statement. 1. Why would you like to […]
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The Next New Normal

September 1, 2021
As I write this, we in Windham County have been informed that our COVID infection risk status is now “substantial.”  I know I am not alone in thinking, Wow, what happened? and How come so fast? Needless to say, we instituted the CDC’s strong recommendation for mask-wearing in the store for both customers and staff the morning we heard the news. Of course, as in most things of this nature, the commentary has been widely varied. Some feel we should mandate and enforce as we did for months, before vaccinations had reached the 80% mark. Others chided us for “shaming” folks into wearing masks.
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Dwight Miller Orchards

September 1, 2021
On a gorgeous sunny July afternoon I sat on a picturesque stone wall at Dwight Miller Orchards in Dummerston, VT, with Malah and Read Miller. During our time together they […]
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We want to inform you that a Co-op cashier tested positive for COVID-19. They were last at work on Saturday, August 21, and noticed a symptom consistent with the signs: […]
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Our General Manager, Sabine Rhyne, has announced her departure from the Co-op effective December 31,  2021. Your Board of Directors has been gearing up to find her replacement. The Board […]
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Healthy Kids Lunches: Packed / Bag Lunch Tips Healthy Kids can have happy lunch bags! School lunch “Burn-out” may set in only a few weeks into the school year. The […]
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Back to School (and Back to Work) Pack Better Bag Lunches! Brown Bag Lunches can quickly become boring if they are the same old thing over and over again. Kids […]
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The Kids Room is open. Yes, it’s true! We are welcoming families and kids back into the Kids Room here at the Brattleboro Food Co-op. 
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BRATTLEBORO, VT—In an effort to provide overnight shelter for a number of individuals currently living outdoors in the Brattleboro area, Groundworks Collaborative plans to open their new Drop-In Center for […]
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When It’s Time

August 1, 2021
I have heard it said that it’s a gift to know when it’s time. I have received many gifts in my tenure here at the Brattleboro Food Co-op, often in thoughtful and caring conversations in the aisles. For now, though, I am stepping down at the end of December as General Manager. I believe that a new person taking the lead, with new energies and new vision, will be just the ticket for our beloved Co-op, to continue to shepherd it through the next few pastures.
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Pete’s Greens

August 1, 2021
Pete Johnson first identified his love for farming when he grew and sold pumpkins as a child with his siblings in the Pacific Northwest. The pumpkins were gorgeous and it was a financially successful business. Flash forward to the mid-1990s, when Pete Johnson was about to graduate from Middlebury College and, for his senior thesis, he built a solar greenhouse on campus. This project was the result of his fascination with winter growing and the idea that plastic or glass structures could positively impact the growth of vegetables in the extreme winter temperatures of Vermont.
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