COVID 19 Update – Keeping our Staff and Community Safe

May 13, 2022
Marketing & Community Relations
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Primary Item (H2)

We will be providing weekly updates every Friday on positive tests here at the Co-op.

During the week of May 9 two team members tested positive for COVID-19 at BFC in Customer Service (last on site 5/6) and Bulk department (last on site 5/12).

Based on our information, it was determined that these are a low-risk exposure to customers and employees.

Please know that the safety of our staff, our Shareholders, and our community continues to be our greatest priority. If a staff member shows symptoms at work they are sent home immediately and requested to test with a 3rd party. Due to medical privacy laws, we are not able to release names of individuals with COVID-19 but will share the department they work.

Again, based on our information we will share if a positive case for that week was deemed a low or high risk exposure to customers and employees. Furthermore as stated above any suspected close contacts will be contacted directly.

For latest information on the CDC’s guidelines please click below.

For any questions please contact: