Food for Thought Newsletter Update

February 13, 2019
Marketing & Community Relations
Food for Thought
Table of Contents
Primary Item (H2)

Do you enjoy the Food for Thought newsletter? In an effort to save money and reduce waste we will begin sending out our paper Food for Thought every other month. April will be the first month you’ll receive all our stories, updates, and promotions ONLY via email; after the March edition, the next print newsletter will be delivered in May. Food for Thought will now be a 6x-per-year instead of a 12x-per-year publication.

We know this will be tough news for some of you, but do not worry! We will still feature a Producer of the Month! You will still get Board and GM updates! You will still hear about new products and sales! These will all remain in our 1st and 15th of the month e-news- letters and appear on our website. Furthermore, we have plans to invest in new digital coupons, in-store happenings, and some fun new features in the bimonthly print editions of Food for Thought.

Here’s the rub: out of around 8,000 Shareholders, we only have 2,700 Shareholders’ emails. We need your help in building a more robust e-newsletter list so we can confidently move forward with this challenging but necessary change. So, for every week this month we will raffle off a $10 gift card for anyone who provides us with their email address or even just updates or confirms the one we already have. You can only win once, but all Shareholders are eligible. We want to reward everyone for taking this extra time to assist us.

Please email with any questions, concerns, ideas, or feedback. Much gratitude for your understanding, support, and help.
