Brattleboro Food Co-op Shareholders Contribute $19K to Groundworks Collaborative

May 6, 2022
Marketing & Community Relations
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Brattleboro Food Co-op Shareholders Contribute $19,000 to Groundworks Collaborative


Brattleboro, VT – In January of 2022 our Board of Directors declared a patronage refund of $120,000. This was an exciting moment as the first patronage and profit declared since 2012 for the Brattleboro Food Co-op.

In the words of, Jerelyn Wison, BFC Board President: 

Thank you for your loyalty which helped to make this possible. Our success allows us to return a portion of our profit to all eligible shareholders, recirculating important capital back into our community…Our co-op will distribute $120,000 of its earnings for the year ending June 27, 2021 to its Shareholder owners. The $480,000 of remaining patronage dollars will be retained for the capital needs of our Co-op…All money left on registers by April 1, 2022 will be donated to Groundworks Collaborative.”

We are pleased to announce that our Shareholders chose to contribute $19,461 dollars of patronage to Groundworks Collaborative. This is an exciting day to share profits from the Co-op with a like minded and extremely important organization in our community. We deeply thank all of our Shareholders for this exciting contribution! 

Groundworks Collaborative was established in 2015 following the merger of two well-established organizations: the Brattleboro Area Drop-In Center and Morningside Shelter (having previously been in existence for 27 and 36 years respectively).  They work with people and systems creating solutions to end hunger and homelessness for all people in our region.  They envision a community in which all people have their basic needs met, including a safe and dignified place to call home. 

To learn more about and contribute to Groundworks Collaborative please visit. 

To learn more about the Brattleboro Food Co-op please visit. 

For more information on this please contact:

Jon Megas-Russell, Marketing and Community Relations 



$19,000 contributed to groundworks collaborative

staff and community photo groundworks collaborative Brattleboro Food Coop
staff and community members of groundworks collaborative and Brattleboro Food coop pose with check contributed to groundworks collaborative from shareholders at Brattleboro food coop