Michele Meulendyk

October 26, 2021
Graphics Dept
Table of Contents
Primary Item (H2)


Michele Meulendyk

1.  Why would you like to serve on the Board of Directors of the Brattleboro Food Co-op (BFC)?
I am one of the many new members of the Brattleboro community. The cooperative, creative and enterprising spirit that drives this town and initially drew me to Brattleboro now inspire me to find my own ways of contribution and service.

2.  What experience or involvement have you had with the BFC or other cooperative enterprises?
While I don’t have any particular experience working with cooperatives, I do have board experience as sole-proprietor in wellness, a member of a community arts council, a regional educational association supporting paraprofessionals and support staff in public schools and the Alaska chapter of the National Education Association.

3.  What opportunities or challenges do you see in the future for the BFC?
I think one of the biggest challenges, and thus biggest opportunities for our Co-op is accessibility of wholesome foods and health awareness for those living in or near poverty. I won’t pretend to have the solution, but with the amazing resources for people to access free fresh produce in Brattleboro, I wonder if there may not be an opportunity for the Co-op to help further education on nutrition and cooking for community members who may not feel it’s accessible to them. 

 4.  What qualities, skills, and experiences would you bring to your service as a BFC board member?
In this environment, I think my organizational skills, ability to see the larger picture and out-of-the-box thinking can help me contribute to the board in meaningful ways. I bring compassion, strong communications skills, inquisitiveness, commitment and perhaps a bit of humor to the table.

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