Champlain Orchards Update

October 6, 2020
Marketing & Community Relations
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Primary Item (H2)

Update on the COVID19 outbreak at Champlain Orchards…

You may have heard that that the Champlain Orchards crew in Shoreham,VT are experiencing a cluster of positive COVID tests. Currently the Co-op still has their product available as we have been assured that they have implemented extra sanitizing methodology and that product has been stored apart from the areas of concern.  Furthermore, Dr. Mark Levine the VT Commissioner of Health has stated that “At this time, the outbreak is contained to the farm, and I want to emphasize: there is no known risk to the public.” Please know as a Co-op that we continue to be in touch with farm and will alert you of any information that comes forward. For more information we suggest reading the most recent VPR article on the news at Champlain Orchards:
