These are the minutes of the June 3, 2024, Board of Directors meeting.
Directors Present: Calvin Dame [Zoom], Judy Fink, Denise Glover, Anneka Kindler, Michele Meulendyk, Evan Silber, Jerelyn Wilson [arrived during Shareholder Input], and Johanna Zalneraitis.
Directors Absent: Vanessa Vadim.
Staff, Shareholders, and Others Present: GM Anthony Santorelli, Board Administrator/Sustainability Coordinator Sarah Brennan, and Shareholders Davida Bagatelle [Zoom], Sheila Adams [Zoom]
Vice President Michele Muelendyk called the meeting to order at 5:15 pm.
Michele welcomed guests and Board members took turns reading the Board’s communication norms aloud.
Anneka moved and Denise seconded to approve the May 6, 2024 minutes. Discussion touched on the process by which the statement regarding the Easter store closure was handled. An edit was suggested to 6.D.2. The motion to approve the minutes as edited carried unanimously.
Judy moved and Denise seconded to approve the monitoring report for B.1 Financial Planning. Discussion touched on the following points:
Anthony shared updates since the packet went out. Discussion touched on the following:
Michele brought Board members’ attention to the policies being monitored in July. No suggestions were made for revising either of the policies.
Board members shared what they would tell a shareholder about this meeting. These comments are shared in the staff newsletter and in Food for Thought.
Board members and remaining guests shared their responses to the question “how did the meeting go for you?”
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Brennan, Board Administrator/Sustainability Coordinator