KidsPlayce Says “So Longˮ to Loyal Reader and Requests Shareholder Volunteers

February 1, 2018
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Many Friday mornings, for over 2 years, Bronna Zlochiver, BFC shareholder, and artist, has been bringing her kindness, sweetness, creativity and joy to the kids at KidsPlayce, an indoor play space for kids located on Elliot Street in Brattleboro. She researches, chooses, and dreams about what books the pre-school age kids would enjoy—she has even purchased titles herself to share with her little fans. In her Pippi Longstocking ponytails, or wearing a silly hat, Bronna walked to the Co-op the first and third Fridays of the month for years, to choose a healthy snack to share with her listeners from 10:30-11:30am as part of an Education and Outreach program called Story & Snack Time.

Bronna has many relationships with the Co-op. Not only has she been a reader at KidsPlayce, but she also volunteered to share her love with kids last summer at the Ice Cream Social reading books and interacting with kids that afternoon. She is a vendor as well, selling her stunning and utilitarian ceramic ware, Pacem Pottery, at our store in the Wellness Department. She is an active shareholder, attending meetings and giving her opinions and feedback freely and thoughtfully. She is a shopper and friend to our store.

Bronna retired from her reader post at the end of December 2017. Thank you Bronna, for your many hours of dedication to the kids in our community, for your loyalty, passion for teaching, and the loving way you have shared your time with us all. Best wishes on your new adventures.

As Bronna retires, we are in search for readers for the next 3 months. If you love reading stories to children then this is a great way to obtain your Shareholder hours. The slot is from 10am-12pm and requires picking up a snack at the Co-op that has been packaged for you already, laying it out at the KidsPlayce kitchen, and then reading to kids who are visiting the space that day. Please note that there is a 30 minute orientation if you have not volunteered for this service before.

If you would like to get more information, contact me, Lizi, at or for more information.
