Feb 2022 GM Search Committee Update

January 25, 2022
Marketing & Community Relations
Table of Contents
Primary Item (H2)


As we predicted, now that the holidays are over, the search for a new General Manager is picking up. By the time you read this, the GM Search Committee will have interviewed three candidates and may have even begun scheduling one or two of them to come to Brattleboro to visit our Co-op, meet our staff, and interview with both our management team and the full Board of Directors, which is responsible for hiring the GM. In the meantime, we are in good hands with Store Manager Whitney Field serving as Interim GM. 

In other news, the next Board of Directors meeting is on February 14. It is open to all shareholders as are all regular monthly Board meetings. We encourage you to attend and witness the Board working on your behalf! Get a glimpse of how Policy Governance supports a group of volunteer shareholders to guide our cooperative into the thriving future – one that supports the community we live in. Have you ever thought about serving your Co-op through Board service? You can find out more on our website here. All meetings are held on Zoom and are open to Co-op shareholders – email board@bfc.coop if you are interested in attending.

