January Update from Board of Directors

January 12, 2022
Marketing & Community Relations
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Primary Item (H2)

The newly-seated Board has met twice now, and will soon be engaging in some team-building at our Annual Retreat, to be held via Zoom this upcoming weekend. The Board is looking forward to working with Store Manager Whitney Field as our interim General Manager.

There is an open seat on the Board right now (the seat opened up when Steffen Gillom stepped down immediately prior to elections last November). We are considering appointing someone to fill the remaining two years of Steffen’s term. Staff are not eligible in this case, as the Board already has two staff members, which is the limit under our Bylaws. Who might you know with a special interest in serving on the Board? Would you be interested?  Let us know! We’re at board@bfc.coop.

In GM Search news, now that the holidays are in the rearview mirror, we’re getting some interesting applications! We have two – maybe three – candidates right now. The Search Committee is reviewing their materials and is working on scheduling initial screening interviews in the coming days. We will keep you informed! For comments or questions, you can find us at GMSearch@bfc.coop.
