Category: News & Events

Maple Syrup

April 1, 2018
At this time of year, I always welcome the earliest signs of spring: the arrival of the red winged blackbird, the sight of sap buckets on large maple trees, and […]
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Hidden Springs Maple

April 1, 2018
Maple syrup, the Vermont delicacy dates back hundreds of years when Native Americans first discovered the sap flowing from Sugar Maple trees and boiled it into the sweet caramel syrup […]
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I’ve heard that some of our members are curious about what the Board actually does. Given that I’m new to the Board this year, perhaps I can provide a view […]
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Respect and Dignity

April 1, 2018
Much has been said about how we as human beings have been communicating with each other, especially when we disagree. There is plenty to be grateful for, in the discourse […]
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The Miraculous Egg

March 1, 2018
What would we do without the miraculous egg? There is an abundance of foods that have eggs as a base: savory omelets, fluffy frittatas, scrumptious quiches, mouth-watering deviled eggs, as […]
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In 1989, a young Pierre Capy stopped in for a cup of coffee at a café called the Coffee Connection in Cambridge, MA.. He had never had anything like it […]
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As a follow up to Jerelyn’s February article, this one will go into more detail about the board’s plans for 2018 and how you can get involved through committee work […]
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What’s Cookin’

March 1, 2018
In recent conversations, I have referred multiple times to an article that I read last fall, and its conclusions never fail to surprise the listeners. In a Harvard Business Review […]
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Chocolate and Valentine’s Day are basically inextricable—but chocolate is one of my favorite sweet treats almost anytime of the year, not just in February. I especially like the dark, dark […]
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Many Friday mornings, for over 2 years, Bronna Zlochiver, BFC shareholder, and artist, has been bringing her kindness, sweetness, creativity and joy to the kids at KidsPlayce, an indoor play […]
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Balancing consistency and change: that’s what keeps us all healthy and vibrant—familiar ground to stand on with a good measure of growing, learning and challenge. This is true for the […]
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Nutty Steph’s

February 1, 2018
The story of Nutty Steph’s starts at a Vermont gas station in 2003, when Stephanie Jaquelyn Rieke and her mother bought some granola as a snack. Her mom was unimpressed […]
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