Category: News & Events

Brattleboro, VT — September 2024 In a heartfelt commitment to the well-being of its community, the Brattleboro Food Co-op is thrilled to announce the launch of the BFC Cares program […]
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by The Board of Directors Going into our 50th year, the Brattleboro Food Co-op has grown significantly from its humble origins, and with growth comes complexity, for the Board, as […]
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If you’ve ever had Maplebrook Farm mozzarella, you know they are pillowy bundles of milky white softness. They’re made just on the other side of the mountain on Route 9 […]
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By John Truncale, Produce Department Manager The Produce department at the Brattleboro Food Co-op has been the gateway to the rest of the store ever since we moved into the […]
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By Judy Fink, Board member On Tuesday, June 18 at 5:30 in the BFC Community Room, the Board launched the first of what will be an annual spring event. Jerelyn […]
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These are the minutes of the June 3, 2024, Board of Directors meeting. Present at meeting Directors Present: Calvin Dame [Zoom], Judy Fink, Denise Glover, Anneka Kindler, Michele Meulendyk, Evan […]
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Job title:  Housewares Buyer How long you’ve lived in this area:  34 years, came from Bradford, MA. Grew up in Rhode Island. How long you’ve worked here:  in her 23rd […]
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Goodbyes and Hellos

July 3, 2024
By Michele Meulendyk, Board Vice President As we welcome new Board members each term, in November, the Board lays the foundation of our work for the coming year. Board members […]
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by Phil B, Meat & Seafood department manager The Meat department started at the Brattleboro Food Co-op in 1988, and we have continued to provide the largest selection of naturally […]
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Trish Naudon Thomas always has two notebooks on her bedside table: one for lyrics and one for herbal remedy ideas. She and her husband, Chris Thomas, are both rock musicians […]
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By Sarah Brennan, Board Administrator/Sustainability Coordinator It’s time for another update on what the Co-op has been up to on the sustainability front!  Let’s start with the fun part: You […]
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Good morning, On behalf of the Vermont Department of Health and the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, I would like to congratulate your organization on being selected to […]
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