Local Strawberries Are Here!

June 19, 2019
Shareholder Services
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That’s right, that special time of year is finally here – strawberry season!  Our Vermont strawberry harvest doesn’t last long, but what it lacks in longevity it makes up for with that sweet-tart, good-for-you, ravishingly rosy berry.  Local Harlow Farm has provided us with luscious organic strawberries that they grew right up the road in Westminster.  We’ve also got Allen Brothers conventionally grown berries that ain’t too shabby either.

Something interesting I learned from Wikipedia about strawberries:  “The strawberry is not, from a botanical point of view, a berry. Technically, it is an aggregate accessory fruit, meaning that the fleshy part is derived not from the plant’s ovaries but from the receptacle that holds the ovaries. Each apparent “seed” (achene) on the outside of the fruit is actually one of the ovaries of the flower, with a seed inside it.”


Strawberries aren’t berries?!  It’s an accessory fruit?!  Should I be wearing strawberry bangles and bracelets?  Strawberry fruit leather belts?  Should I match my strawberry shoes with a strawberry handbag?

And, yes, those of you on your keto diets can eat strawberries in moderation, as they are pretty low in carbs and calories. And I’m also here to tell you we have two amazing blue cheeses on sale this month, which is also an acceptable keto snack, and boy oh boy that makes a great combination.  Those of you not on keto diets might consider pairing said strawberries and cheese with some Effie’s Oat Cakes, perhaps, or Anna’s Almond Swedish Thins, or Field Day Vanilla Cremes……YUUUUMMMMM.  All available in aisle 4, aka “the cookie aisle.”

I can’t speak for those of us who dream up all these wonderful accessories to this aggregate accessory fruit, but those who choose to eat their strawberries plain are really giving themselves a leg up in the health department.  According to this 2010 study, “daily consumption of strawberries resulted in a modest but significant increase in antioxidant capacity in a healthy population.”  Great news!  Plus they’ve got good levels of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and cuteness.

In conclusion, strawberries are tasty, good for you, and might make a great pair of earrings.  So come on over to our awesome Brattleboro Co-op.  We’re worth the trip!


-Ruth G, Shareholder Services




