Why on Earth would someone want to join the Brattleboro Food Co-op Board of Directors?

April 29, 2024
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People often ask me why I joined the board of the Brattleboro Food Co-op. They might say “I was on a board once…” and trail off with a sigh, following that with “Never again!”. Then they thank me for doing the “hard work” of being on the board.

It’s true: board service can be tedious. Meetings can be long. People and issues can be challenging. Some boards can be “dysfunctional”.

I’ll admit, when I first joined the Board at the Co-op, it was a lot! A lot of new terminology, learning about board governance, and (specifically for me as an introvert), when and how to use my voice. But I was excited and interested in learning how our Co-op worked, and wanted to be a part of that. I have said before that the Co-op was a big part of why I moved to Brattleboro. I wanted to be involved and do what I could to support our Co-op.

We are coming up on a potentially challenging time: We will have three open seats on the Board this fall. Two long-term Board members are stepping down – one due to term limits. One of our current Board members is going to run again for another term. We need people to step up! 

If you have any interest at all in how the Co-op works, how decisions get made, who does what, come to a meeting! Talk to us. We are here to answer your questions. It’s not as hard as you think. It’s invigorating to be challenged, to learn new things. I am enthusiastic that our Co-op is committed to a more sustainable future; to supporting our local community and our farmers, growers, and makers. 

I am proud to be a part of this and would love for you to join us.

Denise Glover

Board member

Board meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 5:15 pm. Please get in touch with the Board Administrator to RSVP: call 802-246-2820 or email Board@bfc.coop. Learn more at https://brattleborofoodcoop.coop/about/board-of-directors/
