Review our:
- Commitment to Community Programs Policies
- Ends Policies
- Cooperative Principles
- Review online, or download a PDF our Commitment to Community Partner Policy
- Have ready, in digital format (PDF, PNG, GIF, JPG, OR JPEG)
- Mission Statement
- 501(c)3 documentation (your organization must be established as a 501(c)(3) to be eligible as a Community Partner)
- Your organization’s EIN# (Employer ID Number)
- Contact information; specifically the person to contact if we have questions; the person who will be approving and submitting shareholder hours to the co-op, and/or who our shareholders would be in touch with to schedule volunteer hours.
Commitment to Community Partner Application
Application to become a partner with the Brattleboro Food Co-op with regard to Shareholder hours to be completed off-site with a local, approved, community organization.